Sri Vasavi Engineering Coleege

Best Outgoing Student Award System

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This site helps you to register for Best Outgoing Student Award bestowed by Sri Vasavi Engineering College.You may know about the progress of your registration and can apply the changes you need in your profile by logging into your college account.

Instructions to the Applicant

  1. Students with disciplinary issues are not eligible to apply. (Malpractice, Ragging,etc.)
  2. Students with backlog history are not eligible.
  3. A candidate should get atleast 5 marks each in B & C parts to be eligible.(See the application for more details)
  4. Marks distribution:

    Section Category Maximum Marks
    A Academics upto 7th Semester 55
    Pursuing Honours/Minors Degree 05
    Qualification in GATE/CAT/GRE etc. 05
    B Co-curricular Activities 15
    C Extracurricular Activities 15
    Sub Total 95
    D Interview Committee’s Assessment 05
    Total 100

  5. Students should submit the copies of certificates/proofs along with nomination form as per the details givenbelow:


    • Academic Performance
    • Honours/Minors Degree ‐ Documentary proof issued by respective department
    • GATE/CAT/MAT etc. score card.

    B.Co-curricularActivities- 15 Marks (Max):

    1. Paper Publications ‐ Copy of the publication in reputed Journal/Conference (FirstPage).
    2. Inter-College Events ‐ Copy of the certificate issued by the respectiveInstitution/Organization.
    3. Intra-CollegeEvents ‐ Copy of the certificate issued by thePrincipal/respectiveDepartment
    4. Intra-Departmental activities ‐ Certificate issued by the respective Faculty Incharge and Head of the Department.

    C.Extra-Curricular Activities- 15 Marks (Max):

    1. Outside the College:
      Individual Event
      Group Event
      Selection in University Team 3 2
      I Prize 3 2
      II Prize 2 1
      Participation 1 0.5
    2. Within the College:
      Individual Event
      Group Event
      I prize 2 1
      II prize 1 0.5
    3. College Level Coordinator: 2 marks
    4. Department Level Coordinator:1 mark
    5. Committee member:1 mark
    6. Participation in NSS / Blood Donation/ Other Social Service Activity : 2 marks